I had the pleasure of photographing the new Kone Building in Moline for Lafarge Canada who supplied all the concrete for the building structure, the parking ramp and all the walkways. As a commercial photographer I am often asked to create architectural photography for clients. When the building is this beautiful it certainly makes the assignment interesting and fun. A few of the images were captured at dawn using HDR (High Dynamic Range) techniques. The bulk of the photos were captured in full sun using a polarizing filter. I shot about 330 images with the client receiving one hundred of the best of them. Below you’ll find an assortment of about 30 of the top 100.
Mu commercial photography includes more than just architectural subject matter but also food, product, aerial, and more. Please visit my architectural photography pages to discover my portfolio. I’ll be happy to speak with you regarding your upcoming projects. Simply drop me a quick email through my contact page or call me at 563-388-0099.