Iowa Architecture photography. Just inside Iowa up the Mississippi river valley, about 3 miles from the Illinois border is an actual brick and mortar store for outdoor enthusiasts. Yes, a place where you can go and purchase items rather than have the items come to you. It is a location where you can hold an actual product, feel its texture and weight and get a sense of its quality. I’ve admired the aesthetics of the building ever since it was constructed in 2011 and had hoped to photograph it when the opportunity arose. That day has now presented itself. Photography by drone as well as tripod was called for.
Architecture photography is not for snapshooters. It’s time intensive and clutter is the enemy. Fortunately, the staff was extremely helpful. They were, in fact, very laidback making the shoot quite enjoyable. Anything I felt needed to be moved or hidden was cool by them. I did forget to put a mirror back from where I had moved it though. I’m sure they’ve forgiven me for that infraction.Technically the interior portion of the shoot was a difficulty because of all of the bright window light versus the lower light inside. This, I decided would be a test of my editing skills. Utilizing some new architecture editing techniques that I’ve been working with recently I was able to present 54 images to my client, Twin Shores Management (Bettendorf, Iowa), who originally built the structure. All 54 have gone through a rigorous color, brightness, contrast, burning and dodging process as 64-bit DNG files. None have undergone any distraction removal, sky or grass replacement, concrete cleaning or other such editing. That will come later. Iowa Architecture photography…Here are a few I like at this point.
Contact Brian Barkley directly by phone at 563-388-0099 or email at [email protected] if you have need of…